Silindile Mangena, 29, from Harare, Zimbabwe, said that her vagina was ‘tight’ before she met her ex, Mugove Kurima, in 2016. Kurima, 37, who it is claimed was married at the time, and Mangena fell in love and started a relationship.
However, she told the Zimbabwe Mail that she ended the relationship in May after his penis stretched her too much. She said no man can literally fill the gap her ex left. It has not been confirmed how big his penis actually is. She now wants to have reconstructive surgery which costs a massive 150,000 Rand (£8,000) and is taking him to court in order to have him pay the fee. Kurima has not yet responded to the allegations.
The craziest thing about this story is that my guy Mugove hasn’t responded to the allegations. You wanna accuse me of having a dick so big that your vagina was left in ruins? I’m screaming “I’m guilty” to the world. I don’t know what the conversion of 8,000 pounds to US dollars is, but I do know it’s definitely worth being known as “the guy with a dick so big he got sued for ruining a girl’s vagina”. Shoutout Mugove Kurima, a true legend of the game.
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